Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) 13.4 is available in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace. This image is very flexible and allows you to choose between different EM Deployment sizes ranging from Simple (Single node) to Large (Multi-node) setups.
I decided to deploy a Simple configuration in order to test it out. The deployment wizard prompts you for several passwords including the Enterprise Manager (sysman), Agent registration, Database password, etc. But it never asks for the Weblogic console password. I first thought that the Weblogic console and Enterprise Manager (sysman) password were going to be the same, but for my surprise they weren’t.
The Marketplace image comes with RU 2 deployed and I need to apply the latest RU 3 to this Oracle EM installation and I must know the Weblogic console username and password in order to accomplish this.
In one of my previous posts, I explained how to apply this RU 3 to Oracle EM.
So, the question now is… What are the username and password for the Weblogic console? Is there any way to change them if I don’t know them?
There’s an MOS note available that explains how to change these passwords when the current password is known.
EM 12c , EM 13c: Steps for Modifying the Password for Weblogic and Nodemanager User Accounts in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation (Doc ID 1450798.1)
But in this case, I don’t know it. For some reason I remembered that someone posted a way to decrypt this password many years ago when we were running EM 12c. I’m glad that the browser search came back with the result I was looking for. Gokhan Atil posted the method in 2015. Below is the link to his post.
Now is time to follow the steps and find that needed password.
[oracle@oms1 em]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/em/gc_inst_134/user_projects/domains/GCDomain/
[oracle@oms1 GCDomain]$ cat servers/EMGC_ADMINSERVER/security/
# Generated by Configuration Wizard on Sat May 09 09:30:41 GMT 2020
[oracle@oms1 GCDomain]$ vi
#####Insert this content#######
public class recoverpassword {
public static void main(String[] args)
#####Code ends here#########
[oracle@oms1 GCDomain]$ . bin/
[oracle@oms1 GCDomain]$ javac
[oracle@oms1 GCDomain]$ java -cp $CLASSPATH:. recoverpassword \
> $DOMAIN_HOME {AES}oK4uyE6/MrBQd+38zr+wSk5y4vTMkQjB19ZOri4sDOI=
[oracle@oms1 GCDomain]$ java -cp $CLASSPATH:. recoverpassword \
> $DOMAIN_HOME {AES}hUM4t0cbEIJRuluMPxGBN3yGom1M9jwxEhNeGByu+8vTnmbG+xOTR
Voila! Now I have both the username and password for the Weblogic console. Now I can proceed and apply the RU 3 to the OMS instance.
Thanks and happy patching!