EBS ADOP Phase Failing Due to ORA-600 Error

There’s an issue in EBS 12.2 and database versions related to Materialized Views. While executing ADOP (prepare, apply, finalize or cutover) phases, the cycle could fail due to an ORA-600 : internal error code, arguments: [kqllod:no stub for dependency parent] error.
After working with Oracle, they provided information about BUG 27883586 related to MView Refresh or Create while they are editioned.
The solution is to apply patch 27883586 to the database which is currently available for August 2017 release and then recreate the MViews. Oracle also released a merge patch on top if this (28820125).
If you need it for a different release, please contact Oracle to provide it.
Happy patching,

RMAN Recovery Catalog Issues after 12.2 Upgrade

Well, after the upgrade of the DB to 12.2 the next step is to upgrade the RMAN Recovery Catalog to the same version in order to be able to run backups using it. The process is pretty straight forward.
.    Connect to RMAN using target and catalog
.    Execute upgrade catalog
RMAN> upgrade catalog;
This finishes correctly. But then we try to resync the catalog we got below error:
RMAN> resync catalog;
starting full resync of recovery catalog
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of resync command on default channel at 06/07/2018 22:15:36
ORA-01403: no data found
This is due to a bug 27013146. The solution is to apply this patch to the newly upgraded Oracle Home and re-run the upgrade catalog again.
More information can be found in MOS Note 2341947.1.
Everything is cool now, right? Well, now the old database backups are failing with below error:
RMAN-03008: error while performing automatic resync of recovery catalog
For that, the solution is outlined in MOS Doc Id 2291791.1.
Happy 12.2 upgrades!

Oracle EBS 12.2 EBS Technology Codelevel Checker ETCC

Looks like this is my first post about Oracle EBS. Yeah, looks like now I’m more on the dark side of the force.
This is the time for ETCC. ETCC is a set of 2 scripts. One is going to check the recommended patches for the DB stack and the other one is going to check for the recommended patches for the Middleware stack.
It does not connect to the internet to verify the latest patches. So you must verify and download the latest version of this (patch 17537119).
The scripts are:
– checkDBpatch.sh
– checkMTpatch.sh
You just execute these scripts and provide the information that is being asked. They are going to spool a report like list with the recommended patches for your stack.
Keep in mind that they make use of utilities like OPatch, so is recommended you have the latest version in your DB Oracle Home.
Identifying database release.
  Database release set to
  Connecting to database.
  Database connection successful.
  Checking for DB-ETCC results table.
  Table to store DB-ETCC results already exists in the database.
  Checking if InMemory option is enabled.
  Obtained list of bugfixes to be applied and the list to be rolled back.
  Now checking Database ORACLE_HOME.
  The opatch utility is at the required version.
  Found patch records in the inventory.
    Missing Bugfix: 11111111  ->  Patch 12345678
    Missing Bugfix: 22222222  ->  Patch 45678912
    Missing Bugfix: 33333333  ->  Patch 98765432
    Missing Bugfix: 44444444  ->  Patch 98765432
  Generating Patch Recommendation Summary.
  The default patch recommendations to install these missing bugfixes are:
  Oracle Database Release  (No PSU applied)
    Patch 12345678
      – Filename: p12345678_121020_Linux-x86-64.zip
    Patch 45678912
      – Filename: p45678912_121020_Generic.zip
    Patch 98765432
      – Filename: p98765432_121020_Linux-x86-64.zip
  Apply the required patches and rerun this script.
As a side note, I noticed that with TXK Delta 10 if you try to start an ADOP cycle it is going to check if ETCC was recently executed and all the recommended patches are in place.
Looks like is some way to enforce that all the tech stack patches are current.